Caps Against Cancer Supports Pretty In Pink
Your donation helps uninsured & under-insured breast cancer patients in NC receive life-saving medical treatment

Your donation helps uninsured & under-insured breast cancer patients in NC receive life-saving medical treatment
Broughton High School
Support Breast Cancer Awareness Month and Help Broughton’s ‘Caps Against Cancer’ club raise $5,000 to support a fantastic charity.
Broughton High School, and our community, have a long history of supporting great causes. Each year, our ‘Caps Against Cancer’ student club volunteers to support the fight against cancer. This year, the club is supporting the Pretty In Pink Foundation, a non-profit organization that helps to support patients undergoing active breast cancer treatment.
Throughout the month of October, our goal is to raise awareness for patients undergoing breast cancer treatment through a variety of different ways, including donating below.
The aim of Pretty in Pink is to assist women with no/limited insurance coverage, but they also offer additional resources to patients during this critical time. This includes care packages for use during chemotherapy and radiation.